Aims & Objectives
Our Vision
A society where the right to play is both valued and realised.
Our Mission
Leading the Play Agenda.
As a membership organisation, PlayBoard works closely with and provides support to its members. Our membership is committed to helping us achieve our vision and mission as collectively, we all want to see improved play outcomes for all children and young people in Northern Ireland.
We wish to become known as an organisation that is underpinned by integrity and quality, an organisation that is outcome focused and solution orientated, that at all times operates in the best interests of our members, stakeholders and ultimately the children we seek to serve.
Our Aims & Objectives
Our Aims, Objectives And Outcomes
PlayBoard has a three-year strategic plan which sets out what we hope to achieve during this period. The plan is reviewed every year to take account of any changes that may have an impact on the work of PlayBoard.
PlayBoard provides recognised expertise of the highest standards in achieving our aims and objectives. We support practice, promote collaboration and knowledge-sharing while providing a focus for the development of high-quality delivery, learning and assessment.
PlayBoard strives to be an effective, innovative and responsive organisation, which brings evidence-based intelligence and best practice together to empower our members, communities, individuals and children and young people, while influencing continuous improvement in the delivery of play services.
The strategy for achieving our aims will be based on the following areas:
Aim 1: Be The Authoritive Voice For Play
Aim 2: Promote Quality In Play And Playwork Practice
Aim 3: Increase And Improve Opportunities For Play
Aim 4: PlayBoard’s Organisational Growth And Development
Our Core Values
Core Values
PlayBoard’s core values help to define us as an organisation, guiding our behaviour, underpinning our operational delivery, and shaping the strategies we will pursue. All PlayBoard staff are expected to adhere to these values which place integrity, professionalism, teamwork, commitment and respect, at the heart of everything we do.
Core Value 1
We believe that play is a fundamental right of childhood and is central to children and young people’s development;
Core Value 2
We recognise, respect and value the voices of children and young people, putting their play needs at the core of everything that we do;
Core Value 3
We value and welcome the views of others and are committed to working collectively to drive the play agenda;
Core Value 4
We respect and embrace difference;
Core Value 5
We welcome challenge and embrace change;