PlayBoard NI

Staff & Executive Committee

PlayBoard’s play professional staff team, has a broad and extensive range of expertise and experience to support and represent our members, children and young people, parents, and organisations across Northern Ireland.

PlayBoard prides itself on our staff team and strongly believes that our staff are our most valuable resource. PlayBoard would not be able to support children, young people and their families without the dedication and commitment of our play professionals.

Play Professionals

Meet The Team

Alan Herron
Alan Herron
Chief Executive Officer
Jimmy Gillen
Jimmy Gillen
Director of Corporate Services
Angela Stallard
Angela Stallard
Service Delivery and Development Manager
Frances Walsh
Frances Walsh
Project Officer
Katherine Lindsay Dunlop
Katherine Lindsay Dunlop
Regional Childcare Coordinator
Mairead McLaughlin
Mairead McLaughlin
Finance Officer
Maria McBride
Maria McBride
Senior Marketing and Communications Officer
Roberta Johnson
Roberta Johnson
Play Participation Officer
PlayBoard NI

How We Are Governed

PlayBoard is governed by its Executive Committee which is elected by its members annually through the Annual General Meeting. On average the Executive Committee meet seven times per year as a full Board and four times through the Finance & Personnel Committee.

The elected members sit for a three-year period. The Executive Committee can comprise of up to 10 Trustees. The Executive Committee can co-opt up to four additional members to fill any skill gaps as necessary.

Honorary Officers

PlayBoard’s Honorary Officers are elected for a three-year period (can serve up to two consecutive terms). The Honorary Officers are nominated by the Executive Committee and then ratified at PlayBoard’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).

PlayBoard staff are responsible to the Executive Committee through the Chief Executive Officer. The Executive Committee provides overall strategic direction, governance and leadership for PlayBoard, based on a shared vision, mission and values, ensuring the charity also fulfils its financial and legal responsibilities.

PlayBoard NI

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee ensures the good governance of the organisation and monitors progress through its operational plan, reporting back to its members at the AGM.

PlayBoard NI

Executive Committee

Stuart Buchanan
Stuart Buchanan
Sector: Community / Voluntary
Roger Winter
Roger Winter
Vice Chairperson
Sector: Sure Start / Children & Young People
Joy Hadden
Joy Hadden
Sector: Public
Jimmy Gillen
Jimmy Gillen
Company Secretary
Sector: Play
Fey Cole
Fey Cole
Director / Trustee
Sector: Education
Neil Galway
Neil Galway
Director / Trustee
Sector: Academia
Pam Lowry
Pam Lowry
Director / Trustee
Sector: Education
Sinead Kelly
Sinead Kelly
Director / Trustee
Sector: Children & Young People