Publication Details:
This resource was developed as part of PlayBoard’s Youth@Play project and aims to provide guidance and support for youth workers as they seek to build upon and develop the play offer within their setting.
The resource is split into two sections: the importance of play in the youth setting and resources for play.
Section one focuses on the underlying theory of play, why it is a critical component of children and young people’s lives, the role of play in developing learning and building essential skills, and in creating enjoyable, fun childhood experiences. The aim of section one is to provide a theoretical basis from which youth workers can build on the play opportunities currently on offer within youth settings.
The second section focuses on the practical aspects of play delivery and includes a number of proformas that have been approved to support youth workers as they plan for play and reflect on its impact. In addition, section two provides lots of ideas about how settings can build on their play offer, supporting them to help make quality play happen.
This resource will provide you with the capacity and the tools to make play happen in the setting that you are involved in.