Summer of Play Challenge 2024

Play ideas and activities for summer and the International Day of Play.

Summer of Play Challenge 2024

Play ideas and activities for summer and the International Day of Play.

Publication Details:

We're sharing a NEW Summer of Play Challenge for 2024, to get children and young people out playing on the International Day of Play, 11 June.

Summer of Play Challenge 2024

  1. Capture the flag
  2. Cricket or rounders
  3. Elastics
  4. 40 40
  5. Races: egg & spoon, balloon relay, sack race
  6. Obstacle course
  7. Street games: kerby/cribby, 123 red light, marbles, two balls
  8. Balloon volleyball or dodgeball
  9. Puddle jumping
  10. The floor is lava
  11. Skipping rhymes
  12. Card games
  13. Make daisy chains
  14. Boat races
  15. Build a jungle hut
  16. Shadow tag
  17. Treasure hunt
  18. Make and fly a kite
  19. Hopscotch or chalk art
  20. Roller-skating

View our Summer of Play Challenge 2021 - 2023.