Publication Details:
A report detailing how PlayBoard’s Young Research Team (a group of ten children and young people aged 8-12 years) collected the views of children and young people from their area in Northern Ireland. The team learnt about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and in particular, the ‘right to play’ (Article 31). The young researchers developed new research skills and carried out their own peer research through interviews with other children.
This report details how PlayBoard’s young researchers went about exploring the views of children and young people about play and things that might stop them from enjoying their right to play. The young researchers investigated how children and young people play and what can help make the right to play a reality for them.
The reports aims to help governments, councils, teachers, and parents understand what they should do to make the right to play a reality for children in Northern Ireland and make it a better place and includes recommendations from the Young Research Team.